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The 4 Weekly Workouts You Can’t Afford To Miss

With a bewildering array of fitness options out there, it’s easy to get confused. Especially if most of them cater to young, unencumbered 20 and 30-somethings. Increasingly training programs and modalities are focusing on functional movements and HIIT training which is really positive development.

But, even so, sometimes Super Fit Dads (and Mums, for that matter) simply don’t have the time to duck out to a 1 hour class that’s a 15 minute drive away from home. If that’s the case we need fallback workouts that can be done quickly, either in the gym or at home. After all, Super Fitness is all about efficiency.

The four sessions outlined below are all that you need to achieve Super Fitness in around 3 hours a week.

If you can do more, lucky you – do more! But these are our minimum requirements to keep moving the dial forward.

Crossfit Beginner? Here’s How It Goes Down

Revisiting my first experience with Crossfit a bit over a year ago. Here’s how it went down…

A couple of months ago I did something I’d been meaning to do for almost five years and stepped across the threshold of a gym as a Crossfit beginner: a murky world where devotees of this particular fitness phenomenon flog themselves senseless doing workouts that combine Dad-style circuit training with Olympic weight-lifting and even some gymnastics, usually performed to cranking music and without a shirt on.

And that’s just the women.

Sailboat Summer Trip

Morbi vulputate egestas sem, eu cursus ligula ullamcorper non. Curabitur tristique velit eu mauris venenatis…

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