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How To Make An Extra $1m Before You Retire

Do you know how much money you’ll have to live on when you retire?

Do you know how much you’ll need?

Do you care?

Newsflash: You Absolutely Should

A figure of A$1m is typically bandied around as being the amount you’ll need in your pension pot to afford to retire in the style to which you’ve become accustomed.

However, this number is much-debated with some experts judging the amount needed to be closer to $2m, reasoning that the time-resistant effects of inflation will render $1m in today’s money far less meaningful in 20 years time.

To the uninitiated and those without a Phd in Personal Finance, this can seem really daunting and with good reason; it’s freaking confusing.

If you fit into this category, then I’m going to help you out – BIG TIME. I’m going to tell you exactly how to make $1m ON TOP of your current pension plans.


By simply laying out the strategies that people far smarter than you and I have developed, and condensing them into a single resource that breaks down, step-by-step, the things you need to fast-track you to a more enjoyable and stress-free retirement.

Investment Tips To Get You Rich

Success Tips – What I Wish I’d Known at 25

For all the benefits the digital era brings (think Uber, Strava and, errr, Dominos delivery), it can sometimes feel as though we’re under attack.

A incessant daily barrage of information, news, requests, meetings, reports and other noise rains down on us like mortar shells, and keeping up, let alone getting ahead, can be impossible.

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There are so many distractions and so much to do that taking time out to set goals and make plans for the future feels like a luxury that many people simply don’t think they can afford. Which is a real shame because academic studies have repeatedly shown that those people who set clearly defined goals achieve much more of what they want in life than those who don’t.

Put another way, a goal that isn’t written down is just a dream. And it’s unlikely to be achieved.

In light of this, is there a framework that can be set up and adhered to that allows you to take back ownership and control of your life? Can you set up rules that will help you create a rich and fulfilling life that benefits you and all those you come into contact with?

Here is my charter: a list of success tips or measures that I’d be happy for my son to adhere to as he develops into an adult or, more precisely, some things I wish I’d known 5 or 10 years ago.

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