I’m Ben Ford and welcome to Super Fit Dad.
Super Fit Dad was created to help time-poor Dads get the best bang-for-their-buck when it comes to fitness, nutrition, personal development and finances.
The genesis for the site was my own struggles in finding time & motivation to train after Super Fit Kid arrived. As a seasoned marathon runner, gym junkie and newbie Crossift enthusiast this was both out of character & unsettling. I also realised that if new Fatherhood was affecting me in this way, it was probably affecting tons of other Dads too.
I blog as often as I can & also send out my ‘Weekend Workouts’ at the end of each week, featuring two short, sharp home workouts to keep you in shape throughout the weekend.
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Recent Posts
Myth-Busting: Cracking the Crossfit Code
It's been just over a year since I started Crossfit training. To say I was in a bad place mentally…
On The Road – 3 Ways To Stay Healthy On A Work Trip
When I travel for work my diet and training routine invariably suffers. 5am starts often call for a Maccas at…
5 Lifestyle Hacks To Beat The Winter Blues
As the Antipodean winter well and truly begins to bite, everything can seem that little bit harder and less fun…
Bumps in the road – 3 signs that you’re training too much
A wise man once told me that progress is not lineal. And so it has proved in Super Fit Dad-land…
It’s Complexicated – 4 Barbell Complexes For Time-Poor Dads
Assuming you have access to a barbell - in the garden, the garage or the gym - then barbell complexes…
Dadbods..? You have to be kidding.
#dadbods is trending hard right now; a strange phenomenon whereby, all of a sudden, portly is prized, podgy is pleasant…
Testing Times – term 1 progress report
Progression, it's said, is the key to success. So, with this in mind, whilst I approached testing week at my…
What the Dickens? PRs everywhere
It was the best of weeks, it was the worst of weeks, to paraphrase someone, somewhere, sometime. I forget who…
5 Easy Kettlebell Workouts in 20 Minutes or Less
The kettlebell: much feared and with good reason. Well, sort of. Introduced to the West by a pretty heavy Russian…
Transform Your Life Today – 5 High-Reward / Low-Effort Lifestyle Hacks
There are no quick fixes, right? No such thing as a free lunch? Wrong! Well, sort of. There are some…
The 4 Weekly Workouts You Can’t Afford To Miss
With a bewildering array of fitness options out there, it's easy to get confused. Especially if most of them cater…
Crossfit Beginner? Here’s How It Goes Down
Revisiting my first experience with Crossfit a bit over a year ago. Here's how it went down... A couple of…